BioWare Announces ME3 Rebellion Pack
A week ago we found out that new Mass Effect 3 multiplayer DLC was about to drop in Hong Kong with no word on its States side release. Today BioWare announced the next ME3 DLC codenamed Rebellion, arriving on Xbox Live, Playstation Network and PC next Tuesday, May 29 (May 30 on the PSN in Europe). The DLC, which is free to anyone who redeemed the online pass for Mass Effect 3, will offer new characters, gear, maps and kits.
Here's a look at the new classes:
Vorcha SoldierCheck out the Official BioWare Blog for more details.
Thanks to their unique physiology and their Bloodlust ability, the Vorcha are joining the fight and are perfectly suited for the utilitarian soldier kit.
Vorcha Sentinel
The innate aggressiveness found within the Vorcha make them shockingly durable combatants, and when coupled with their Flamer skill, the Vorcha sentinel is a force to be reckoned with.
Male Quarian Engineer
Quarians have spent centuries at perpetual salvage and ship repair; the survival of their species depends on this technical expertise. When bringing the new Arc Grenade to the fray, the Quarians prove their prowess as effective engineers on the battlefield.
Male Quarian Infiltrator
The Male Quarian Infiltrator must actively rely on stealth while in the heat of battle, and when they make use of their Tactical Scan ability, they quickly prove their mettle while continuously dishing out the pain.
Ex-Cerberus Vanguard
When the Illusive Man turned to indoctrination in order to ensure the loyalty of his troops, many Cerberus operatives defected and joined the Alliance in order to stop the Reapers. Now that we’re on the same team, Ex-Cerberus Vanguards (along with their new Lash attack) are quickly proving their worth.
Ex-Cerberus Adept
A result of the Illusive Man’s early experiments in enhanced human physiology, Ex-Cerberus subjects are highly skilled combat and biotics specialists. As a result, Ex-Cerberus Adepts can lay waste to the enemy with their Smash and Singularity powers.
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