Torchlight II Weekend Stress Test

Runic, the gents behind Torchlight and the upcoming Torchlight II, will be holding a Weekend Stress Test. Torchlight II currently has a beta going but Runic wants to expand this so that they can see how their system handles a heavy load. So for this weekend beginning on Friday, May 18th at 11:00am PDT and running until Tuesday, May 22nd at 11:00am PDT you'll be able to access and play the beta as long as you have a Runic Games Account. Having the account is the only way to receive the beta invitation. If you're not signed up head over HERE to do so.

It seems there are several events happening this weekend, which is going to make it a busy one for some people. Being a fan of Torchlight I'll have to pry myself away from Diablo III to give this a go.

Brought to you by Runic


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