PSA: A few Changes

This is to update everyone on a few changes that will be coming. The Video Roll, one of the changes already in place, is up on the site as a menu option. What this does is link you to a Youtube playlist that I've created. All the videos on the playlist are from several channels that I'm subscribed to and DO NOT belong to me in any way. The Video Roll will function as the place to watch all the latest trailers, developer diaries, interviews or announcements that are released and feel free to subscribe to these channels as well.

Next up are the Review Round-Up and Releases of the Week posts. Currently there's just a standard format for them, however I feel they need to standout some more so I'm working on a few format changes. They're not set it stone yet but hopefully in the next few weeks I'll have it worked out.

Lastly are the posts, I usually try to have a steady stream of news, trailers etc., but at times that doesn't happen. This means I have to come up with some new segments--something that will be good and fun. Lookout for those as well.

That's all for now, you may return to your regularly scheduled programming.


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