Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Feels...UNFINISHED!!!
Insomia Games has done something absolutely spectacular with Marvel's Spider-Man 2. I've just completed my story playthrough; finishing most of the side content along the way and it was a ride from start to finish. I'm going to try to avoid SPOILERS as much as possible but do forgive me if I do. By now you've seen the opening set piece for Spider-Man 2 but if you haven't its one hell of an opening. They go big. Insomnia comes out swinging and from there it keeps going up in scale and excitement. It's your classic Spider-Man story with some very familiar villains, some wonderful sequences and some very fun setups for what's to come with an Insomnia twist. I'll forgo talking about the story so we don't spoil anyone so I'll jump into my takeaways from Marvel's Spider-Man 2. I absolutely love everything about Marvel's Spider-Man 2, even though I could see some of the story points coming a mile away, it was still fun to experience. Jumping bet...
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